Friday, January 13, 2017

The Potty Training Drinking Game

It seems like someone has created a drinking game for everything.  Political debates, football games, outcomes of various sporting events, the Olympics, The Bachelor, and about any other pop culture happening.

So, it's time for me to share my drinking game; the potty training drinking game.  We are on day three of potty training our three year old son, I have learned this is not for the faint of heart.  I have lost a handbag and a pair of shoes to the "accidents."  I put that in parentheses because those two particular incidents were at least somewhat, malicious.  Not so much that he maliciously peed, but he did maliciously go hide in my closet because he did not feel the need to sit on the potty.  Clearly, he needed to.

So, the game is simple.  Before noon, brew your favorite coffee.  I am so unbelievably thankful for the Keurig I received as a graduation present right now.  It basically is going just endlessly before 2 p.m. making us wonderful cups of coffee to help keep my sane and level headed as I help our son use the potty.  After noon, pour yourself your favorite glass of wine.  I suggest having a box of wine for the potty training escapade (trust me, you're going to need it).  Every time your child goes in the potty, take a drink!  Because let's be honest, this is just as much an accomplishment for mom (or dad) as it is for the child.  You deserve to celebrate each little moment too. Plus, it helps keep you really happy and really sane through the potty training journey.

It also doesn't hurt to take a drink (or two) while cleaning up every accident.  I'm convinced that for each successful goal, there needs to be at least 45 accidents associated.  Reminding myself that these are accidents and he is learning a pretty mentally tough concept to get; essentially potty training is the redirection of a natural instinct, so it's going to take some time, is beneficial.  Folgers and Franzia are helping me remind myself of this each time I'm scrubbing.  Let me just take a minute to thank Hoover for making the Little Green Machine carpet spot cleaner.  It's a life saver.

As I am learning at only three days in, potty training sucks.  It's not easy, my son is very stubborn; he wants to learn but on his terms not mine.  He is figuring it out slowly but surely.  Whatever you as a parent can do to get through the tough stuff that is this life stage do it!  If its pouring a glass of wine to sip through the afternoon at 1 p.m. I won't judge you.  If all else fails, play the potty training drinking game as invented by the Mediocre Mommy.

**ALWAYS DRINK RESPOSIBLY** Those under 21 years of age by federal law are prohibited from consuming alcoholic beverages (but coffee is not off limits!).

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