Sunday, January 29, 2017

Five Life Lessons I Learned from my Mom

Everyone always says "mama knows best."  It's true.  There may have been a time in my life where I didn't believe it as much, but looking back now, the best life lessons I have learned have come from my mom.  Not to mention everything I know about motherhood too!  My mom is practically a saint.  She's the most giving, selfless, loving person I know.  Sure, I learned how to sew from her; a task that required the utmost patience and restraint so she didn't choke me when I was being "difficult."  She also taught me how to cook and bake, how to budget and do other basic financial tasks.  Of all the practical skills I learned from my mom, there are five life lessons that will always stick with me and have carried me through the good, the bad, and (since the beginning of the never-ending potty training) the messy.

1) You can have More than One Best Friend
During my late-grade school and middle school years, the "who's your best friend?' question was always posed.  I remember feeling torn about who my one best friend was; I had lots of friends who were bests in their own ways, but the "need" to choose one was insisted by my peers.  There was always lots of "friend ranking" a best friend, a 2nd best friend, a 3rd best friend and so forth.  I felt torn by the feeling to rank my friends.  After lots of contemplation over who my best friend was, I asked my mom who I should pick as a best friend.  She said "well, you can have more than one best friend.  Life is better with more."  She was right.  Since then, I have had lots of best friends all at the same time!  Having a larger network, especially in life as a transient military family, its not only ok to have many best friends, its necessary.  It is so great to have a strong group of friends literally all over the world!

2) Forgive Those who Hurt You
Forgiveness is one of the hardest concepts to grasp, but the one that can do the best good for the heart.  It is SO hard to forgive those who have hurt us, especially if they're close to us.  But, my mom has taught me to do it.  If not for the benefit of the other, but for the benefit of myself and my heart.  Life's too short to harbor ill feelings towards others.  I have watched my mom forgive those close to her in time I would not have been able to so easily.  Her example on forgiveness has been a stepping stone for me.  I can forgive those who have hurt me because of the example my mom has set for me.  Trust me, my forgivenesses have not been nearly as hard as hers and I commend her for that! It's easy to hold a grudge; its hard to let it go but letting go makes all the difference.

3) If you Fall, Get Back Up
I mean this both figuratively and literally.  Mom and I are both not the most graceful when it comes to falling!  She needs to stop that mess before she hurts herself.  But, on a more figurative sense, my mom has taught me that when things in life knock you down, you just have to get up and try again.  Maybe try it a different way.  Maybe try a different approach or thing all together, but get up and try going forwards continually.  Of course, if your literally fall, it's also a good idea to get back up again.  Unless something is broken, then just wait for assistance.

4) Be Involved 
I learned at a young age from my mom encouraging me to be involved in my community, that doing so is a good thing!  Was I a little too involved? Maybe at times, but the skills I learned, memories made, friends gained, and lessons learned were well worth the late nights sewing, washing horses, and trimming goats and pigs before the fair.  It was even worth all the tears and cuss words shed over sewing projects!  I was active in many things from 4-H to church activities and sports while growing up because my mom signed me up for Tumbleweeds (mini 4-H) and the rest has been history.  I am still involved in many activities in my community to help engage myself, serve others, and make a difference!

5) Things Always have a Way of Working Out 
This has been the biggest thing I have learned from my mom.  Things will always work out.  Maybe not 100% how I want, maybe not 100% on my timeline, but what is meant to be and what is best will always be in the end.  Give it to God, and go to sleep, so to speak.  Just having faith that life brings us through challenges to bring us to the things we are best suited for.  At least this has been my experience, and like always, mama knows best here too.  Even as an adult, I still look to her for advice.  I still need to hear (or read if we are messaging, thank God for technology!) her say "don't worry, it'll all work out."  I must say, she has a 100% track record of being right on this one!

I will always look to my mom for advice, whether it's how to train a steer to lead or not to train my kid to poop in a toilet.  Situations have changed as I grow, but what doesn't change is my need for my mom's love, guidance, and wisdom.  I can only hope I can be the same source of love and light to my children as my mom is to me.  She's a saint, guys. Through and through.

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