Thursday, August 25, 2016

Hello from the World's Most Mediocre Mom

Hello Readers! 

Let's begin with a show of hands.  How many of you have children?  Ok, after reading the title of this blog, hopefully that is a majority of you!  How many of you have kids in the baby and toddler stages?  How many of you strive to be the best mother you can be?  Lastly, how many of you secretly have come to terms with the fact that you could probably win the world's okayest mom award?  Well, that one goes to me.  I tried being a "crunchy mom" I did not do well.  I tried being a "Pinterest mom" I did a little bit better, but mostly I just pin cute ideas that in reality I will never ever do. I tried being a "fit mom" and well, that is still a work in progress!  I tried being a natural mom, a stay at home mom, a fun mom, a strict mom, an outdoorsy mom, a stylish mom, a sweet mom, a Super Nanny influenced mom, and a direct sales work from home mom.  I realized that from each of these venues, I picked out what worked and what didn't for my family.  Sure, I would like to write about how we only feed organic food, how we do not allow screen time, how we have successfully potty trained, how I had killer boobs from extended breast feeding, how my children listened to Mozart to fall asleep, how we attended birthing and yoga classes prior to the birth of our children, but that would not be farther from the truth.  Want to know the truth?  The truth is I discovered that I do everything my children need.  I may often live in a shit show.  Actually, there have been days I have very literally lived in one.  Like, poop on my walls and in my sink and on my son shit show.  Those are the moments I realize that I don't know everything about being a mom.  In fact, I know very little.  Everyday is a learning experience and rather than beating myself up over things I try to find the humor in them.  My children are happy, loved, healthy, fun little ones and, for now, I'm keeping my head just enough above the water to enjoy the ride to the fullest.  I don't talk about the heated topics, I don't talk politics, I just keep it real--the plus for you guys is that sometimes I'm funny (or at least I often think I am kind of funny!).  I'm not even going to pretend to be a super mom, but I proudly strut my stuff, typically in my sweatpants or leggings, as the mediocre mommy.  

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to reading more! It's a shit show 24/7 at my house.
