Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Be a Mom. Be a Boss. Be Whatever the Hell You Want.

Sometimes, being a mother is a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation.  If you stay home with your children, then you must automatically be this crafty, spotless, play-with-the-kids all day, baking, soap opera watching, yoga pant wearing. messy hair wielding lady.  If you return the workforce out of the home after having children sometimes society views you as less nurturing, more ambitious, less involved, super feminist, uber girl power woman.  Well, you know what?  Stereotyping has NEVER been my thing.

Be whatever the hell you want to be and stop caring about what others are going to think.  If you want to stay at home with your children, do it!  For many families this is actually a more economical decision.  For example, for me to merit paying for two children in childcare facilities I would need to make approximately $26,000/yr to off-set long term childcare costs.  It adds up!  I do not advocate lower childcare costs because 1) I am a firm believer in that "you get what you pay for" and 2) I want the people taking care of my little cuties to be fairly compensated for the work they are doing.  Some women would just rather stay home with their children, and that is honestly the only reason they need.  Being a stay at home mom is awesome!  But, there are times I miss the working world and want to reenter business again.  If you want to return to work after having children, whether its after three weeks or three years, do it!  From experience, it's hard to give up your dream career.  The thing is; some mom's need to work.  We don't know everyone's stories.  Some women need that to feel empowered, to stay mentally and emotionally stable, or to provide for their families.  That's ok!  Bottom line do what makes you happiest.

There are so many ways to feel valued as a mother.  No matter if you are a SAHM, a work from home mom, or a work outside of the home mom, sometimes we all feel that motherhood can be a somewhat thankless job. I mean, my child has never once thanked for wiping his butt.  Find what makes you feel valued.  Be a boss.  Whether it's the boss of yourself, the boss of your home, the boss of your own business, or the boss at work just do it.  Do something, ANYTHING to know that you are making a difference.  The only person who can change how we feel, is ultimately ourselves.  Make crafts like a boss.  Play with your children like a boss.  Cook like a boss.  Drink wine like a boss.  Sell Younique, Scentsy, LuLaRoe, Stella&Dot, Norwex, Thirty-One and whatever else like a boss. Go to your job like a boss.  Boss like a boss.  Do what makes you happy like a boss.

Lastly, be whatever the hell you want to be.  I'm not going to sit here and spin stories about how easy its been being a student and a mother because well, that would be completely delusional.  It's been HARD.  It's been sleepless, tear-filled, frustrating, thankless, and stressful every single semester since my son was born; which has been my entire time pursuing my bachelor's degree.  But that doesn't mean I can't be whatever I want to be.  It doesn't mean you can't be whatever you want to be.  Things aren't just going to fall into your lap, unless you'ree Paris Hilton, you have to work for it!  So, work for whatever you want to be.  Work for being a good budgeter.  Work for being a good cook.  Work for being the best game player.  Work for a promotion in your at home direct sales business.  Work to have the best garden.  Work to start your own business (current status over here!).  Work to get the job you want.  Work to get a promotion or a raise.  Work to open that wine.

If I can do it, so can you.  Be an amazing mom.  Be an amazing boss.  Be whatever the hell you want to be. Afterall, we all went through childbirth and/or the newborn and toddler years.  We got this!


  1. LOVE!! Right now, I'm eating crackers like a boss.
