Go to Target or Toys r Us on any given week day, or really any day, and you're likely to see a frazzled mom with multiple children doing her shopping. She's got her hair completely up, her comfy yet public-approved clothing on, probably a latte in hand, and something else; a small child tied to her body. Literally, just TIED there! This is better known as babywearing, and although human beings have been doing this since the dawn of time, it has in recent years gained popularity and is becoming more and more mainstream. I have been securely bitten by the babywearing bug, but my reasons may come as a surprise.
I (almost) hold a bachelor's in developmental psychology (I say almost because "Statistics for the Social Science Major" strands between me and my diploma--bring it, math!) and from my time studying this subject, I could give you pages and pages of reasons why wearing an infant is extremely beneficial for their emotional and mental development. But, to save some time, securely attached is a super positive thing! I know this. Ultimately, it played a huge role in why I chose to wear both of my children. However, my son was not about it AT ALL until he was a year old. So, when our daughter was in the belly, I was determined to make sure that she LOVED it! And honestly, even if she didn't it was going to happen for one major reason--I'm kind of lazy. Babywearing is a Godsend to the lazy moms of 2+. If I haven't sold you with the importance of securely attached children, then check these reasons out:
1. Hands Free Device
Indiginous peoples of North America, Africa, and parts of Europe really had this figured out. In their times a baby tied to your body meant hands free for harvesting, moving, and building. Also, it's easier to seek shelter with one's hands free. But for me hands free means I have two hands accessible to do things like force my toddler to hold my hand in a parking lot, force my toddler to leave the bathroom stall door locked while in public restrooms, and push a cart safely while still having room in the actual cart to place the items we are shopping for. It is perfect for at home too. As in sometimes that's the only way I get things like vacuuming and feeding the other people in my house accomplished. Plus, our son is pretty adamant that using a toilet is not in his plans anytime soon, so changing a diaper is just easier with one child securely fastened on!
2. I know where she is
No judgement. Sometimes we lose track of our kids! I know, she can't even coordinate putting her hand into her mouth yet how do I "lose" her?! I don't. But I have a son who operates at energy level six billion on a regular basis and having her literally on my person lets me know she is safe. On a serious note, childhood abduction is a serious problem in our world, and if my child is strapped to my body and I have to chase her brother down, I know she is safely with me. My diaper bag can be replaced, my daughter can not be.
3. Infant carseats weigh 2.6 trillion pounds
Let me make this point quickly because we have all been there! My daughter weighs about 9 lbs. no problem! In her infant carrier carseat she magically weighs nearly 5 tons. It's a no brainer. I would so rather wear her sweet little 9 lb self than lug that thing everywhere. Do I still lug it around? Absolutely. If I need to run into the post office, we take the carseat; time is money and its more economical in that sense.
4. So many options!
No matter what your style, your budget, your knowledge on babywearing or your preference it is doable for everyone. I'm a frugal person. Some babywearing options are hundreds of dollars. That is totally okay for those who have that in their budget. Lucky for us cheapos there are great alternatives for any budget. I have a considerable "stash" at this point, but everything I have was purchased at a price point affordable for us. Don't be afraid to buy used! The main thing is to make sure the carrier is safe for the child and fits your lifestyle and personality.
5. Wear anywhere (literally)
Before we moved the the Show Me State, we spent three years living in Germany. We wore our son basically everywhere. He went to museums, to castles, to breweries, to pubs, to festivals, to Christmas Markets, you name it we wore him to it. Why? Have you ever tried to manipulate a stroller through thousands of people at the Nuremburg Christmas Market? It's practically impossible. Europe is not the land of elevators either. After lugging our jogging stroller up countless flights of stairs to look at the tin figurine museum, the deal on babywearing had been sealed. I don't want to lug that up stairs! It was not fun. Some places we visited did not allow strollers. So, heads up! If you want to go to the Vintgar Gorge in Slovenia, buy a dang Ergo. Now that we are back in the USA, the same rule applies. Trip to Walmart? Tie on the baby. Going to the winery for a wine tasting? Strap 'er on. Want to go fishing? Baby on the body. It just makes it so much more convenient. and a this life stage that is truly everything for me.
6. It's easy.
Don't let the super gurus fool you, babywearing in its simplest form is so easy. Once you understand all the safety issues and are confident in your carrier and use, it's second nature. I'm not an affiliated blogger, as in I am not going to promote a specific group, brand, etc. but let me just say if you have a local babywearing group, check them out! If you don't, there are great resources online, I personally enjoy "Keep Calm and Wear Them" on Facebook, babywearinginternational.org, and some friends who have just been doing it longer than me. I'm a person who is really all about ease, and as an "easiest way possible" when out and about mom, trust me when I say anyone can do it.
7. Fast food
Oh, the baby needs to eat again?! There are safe ways to feed without removing the infant from the apparatus. Again, check out safety and ensure you are up on all the deets, but boob or bottle it works in many carriers. Plus, they are washable so when spit up happens (and it WILL) wash it.
8. Dad's do it too
Know what's more sexy than my husband wearing our kids? If Johnny Depp were to wear my baby. Since that is never going to happen, the short answer is nothing. Nothing looks better on a daddy than a baby! Ok, so my husband does not use my pink cowgirl Fidella ring sling (more on this beauty later!) but he does rock the Ergo like a complete and total bad ass.
9. Wine.
I've worn my daughter to wineries. Twice. Know what the best perk of babywearing for the lazy mom is? Your hands are free to drink wine and check Facebook on your cell phone while your sweet little baby just snoozes away on your chest. It's amazing. Because there are moments when you just need even something remotely close to a break, and hey, anything that offers that is worth it in my book.
10. Sleepy dust and sanitation
The whole "sleepy dust" thing is not a myth. Nine times out of ten when I strap on a baby she falls asleep within five minutes. It's bliss. Especially when the baby is fussy, gassy, teething, or just plain mad. It is not magic, and it does not always work, but its a great resort after I have tried everything else. I also find it great to wear while our and about because the likelihood that someone is going to touch the baby lessens. I mean, when her hear is at chest level its a game of change whether someone will be stroking her head or my boob and that is usually a risk most are not willing to take. Plus, she does not have to sit in the bathroom stall on the floor in her carseat if I need to go. She doesn't even miss a beat. Sure, its a little weird the first time, but no more so than the 2.5 year old demanding to flush the toilet once the duty is completed.
So, the moral of the story here is this: I started this out of complete desperation and necessity, and to be completely honest that is why I continued. With two small people, I think most would agree that anything to make daily life a bit smoother is awesome. I don't even pretend to be some super star babywearing mom because I'm not. I'm just a girl, looking at a kid, knowing that strapping her to my chest is the easiest way possible to accomplish all tasks. From grocery shopping to tasting wine babywearing is totally where it's at. Plus. Selfies with babies are pretty cool.
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