But, as life goes on it also brings changes. Now, Fridays are typically spent in comfy clothes counting down the hours (ok, minutes) until my husband is off work for the weekend and we can divide and conquer with the babies or he can spend some time with the kiddos while I go do something, anything alone even for just an hour or two. Every so often my friends and I participate in this cool thing called "Mom's Night Out" and let me be the first to tell you it's awesome. There's nothing like finding a group of people who accept you for the goofy weirdo that you are (probably because we are all pretty equally weird). These nights don't happen weekly like they used to. There's no teasing of hair involved and I have not contributed to the hole in the ozone layer for a few years now (you're welcome, EPA). BUT that doesn't mean we don't have fun! In fact, in a lot of ways its so much more fun! Here's why:
1. No one is looking to get laid.
I mean, the whole point of mom's night is to take a break from our children and husbands for an evening of straight girl time. No one is looking to go home with some hunk, take someone home with them, no one leaves you at the party,or even flirts with the random polo-wearing, schmedium loving guy with 2 tons of hair products in his hair. It's a few hours of straight uninterrupted lady time. And that is SO awesome!
2. No one cares how terrible your dance moves are.
Truth. I have a few friends who can totally justify that my signature dance move is the "Bernie" and it is definitely the nerdiest move out there. But it's so much fun. Plus, remember all those "lame" dances like the cha-cha slide and the YMCA? Ya. those are cool when you're a mom and these new found dances like the "whip and nae nae" are just a big no-no. Nothing whips after babies safely, let's just leave it at that.
3. SHOTS! refers to vaccines now.
Sorry LMFAO, but gone are the days when I even dreamed of attempting to do 77 shots during that song. Of course we have to have our one shot for fun, but circa 2010 when I heard the word shots I thought of tequila or vodka and today when I hear it I think of hepatitis. Even the discussion on shots shifts; it goes from what concoctions makes the best beverage (I'm still a fan of the Jager Bomb) to what concoctions are combined to create fewer pokes.
4. #partyvan
Ok, this sounds wild and crazy right?! Nah. This is a hashtag we created in reference to the Nissan Quest that took us from a movie to the pub downtown. But seriously. You know what is great about hashtag party van? It fit all of us, there's already foods because ALL mom vans have crumbs (trust), and no one, and I mean no one, is going to try to drag race us.
5. No One makes you get "Wasted."
Do we enjoy drinks? Yes. HUGE YES. Hell to the Yes! But, we also have small people who are likely going to slap us in the face and yell "GET UP MOMMY!!!" at 6 a.m. the following day. Plus, we are also quite frugal, and with maturity, comes the realization that drinks at the pub are pricey. Moderation in consumption equals moderation in spending. As much as I would LOVE to be able to make it rain when I go out with the gals, I just will continue to ask for bottom shelf on my mixed drinks. Don't drink? Who cares. We go for fun, for dancing, for conversation that does not involved what problem the PAW Patrol solved today or how to use a toilet. In my experience, moms just aren't into the get drunk as fast as you can gig. No one wants to deal with throw up (especially in the party van) because we have toddlers and babies. Vomit happens for literally no reason. Plus, we want to remember. We want to cherish these moments of mom to mom time that is 100% focused on us. Oh, and did I mention that hangovers with children is probably on the top ten list of the absolute worst thing on this Earth?
6. You can just be You.

So, if you're a mom in the Waynesville, MO area looking for a good time and some fun gals, let us know. Because, moral of the story, all moms still need a fun Friday. All moms still need to leave the "mommy" at home for a few hours and just embrace themselves. All moms need to have fun. Because caring for us and remembering how to have fun will translate in such a positive way to our children.
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