It's probably no secret by now that I enjoy relaxing after a chaotic day with the kids with a nice, refreshing, glass of Mommy Juice. As a self-proclaimed connoisseur of the bottom shelf, I have found some nice wine options that taste good and don't break the bank! I am definitely no sommelier, but there are plenty of great reviews about the best wines, pairings, etc. You know what there isn't a lot of? Reviews of the bottom shelf. Reviews for the budgeted moms scanning the bottom shelf while some one screams in the cart about candy and another child watches some other kids playing with toys on YouTube as you frantically get the shopping done praying your daughter doesn't lick the cart this trip, then you, my friend, have found the review for you.
Here's the thing about wine. It doesn't have to be expensive to taste good, to get you a little happy buzz, or to be enjoyed. If you need a wine that pairs with tantrums and Goldfish, welcome. If you need a wine that pairs with "I should be vacuuming, but meh" welcome. If you need a wine that goes with "the dog shit on the floor again," welcome. If you are simply looking to try some different wines to find your taste, while keeping it under $10 a bottle check it out! Some may be amazing...some might be down right nasty...what will the weekly Bougie on the Bottom Shelf reveal? So, without further ado, what am I drinking tonight?!
This week's selection: Barefoot Rose.
Barefoot cellars describes this wine as "a refreshing wine with aromas of ripe raspberries and juicy watermelon. Flavors of cherries and sweet citrus compliment the smooth, crisp finish." It is delightfully sweet according to the label, and is a California rose sporting 10% alcohol per volume (winner, winner, chicken dinner!).

That's great and all, but here's my mediocre review of this under $10 wine. It definitely fits in that sweet category, without being overpoweringly sweet or super "sugary." It was a nice, smooth rose. I definitely got the raspberry notes the maker talked about as well as the citrus and cherry finish. I didn't really pick up on anything watermelon-y, but that may have helped cut some bitterness that can sometimes be associated with raspberry anything. I chose to drink it room temperature tonight, and it was nice that way, but is also a good chilled wine as well. The mom pairing recommendation is that this wine pairs very well with "my kid needed 10 snacks and 30 gallons of water before bed" and leftover, cold nuggets remnants that looked too good to waste, and "can Sandra Bullock come teach my kids how to be quiet for longer than 2 seconds?" While drinking this wine, I feel happy, calmed from a hectic day, and relaxed for bedtime!
Bottom Shelf Steal or Cheapo fail? Bottom Shelf Steal! This is a lovely Rose for those who enjoy a lighter, fruitier, sweet wine without the overpowering sweetness. A great wine to buy in the large bottle and share with friends, or, ya know, enjoy during a Netflix binge.. Try it out and let me know your thoughts!
Disclaimer: I am by no means a professional sommelier, just a mom who likes to try new wines and is frugal while doing it. I did not receive any compensation for this review; it is my real, fun, take on a product I purchased and tried at my own discretion for no compensation.
Always drink responsibly.
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