It's not the super hip soundtrack. It's not that the gorilla has a dreamy voice. It's not the amazing love of music and art that the film portrays to kids. It's not even the lesson in chasing dreams and those from many backgrounds banding together to accomplish a common goal. It's Rosita. It's ALL Rosita (voiced by Reese Witherspoon).
Because Rosita is my spirit animal. Literally--the movie is all animals. But it's more than that. Rosita embodies all of the things that I feel about myself as a stay-at-home mother. Rosita personifies (pigsonifies? whatever) all of it. For those unfamiliar with the film, Rosita is a stay-at-home mother of like 45 kids (she's a pig, they have had a few litters by this point!) with a husband who works long hours out of the home. She has a beautiful talent, singing, that is so often lost in the daily rigmarole of motherhood and housework. She is seen early on in the movie singing 'Firework' by Katy Perry which is such a fitting song. Hands up if you have ever felt like a plastic bag floating through the wind, wanting to start again; am I right? I know that in the heat of the chores, and the kids, and the cooking, and the dog, and the chaos that is my everyday life I feel like this used up, old, crinkly, plastic bag who just wants to be recognized as worth something again! In those moments, I am sure we all have felt that way. Back to Rosita! As the movie goes on, she finds the flyer for an "American Idol" esque singing competition and decides to try out while her 6 million kids are in school and husband is at work.
So she goes and is finally recognized for having a great voice, even though her moves are something to be desired. She is partnered with the amazing Gunter, a fellow swine who may not be the best singer but damn, that pig has got some moves! As the contest rehearsals continue, Rosita battles with the struggles of still having her motherly and home duties while wanting to focus also on something for herself. Her children don't listen to her (I feel her on that), her husband falls asleep when she is trying to tell him her big news about making it into the competition (I feel her on that), and she struggles with finding herself in a life full of giving to others with no gratitude returned. There's even a scene where she has to take her "sick" child to a rehearsal with her and in a hyper whirlwind he messes up the whole room--basically me every single time I have to tote my two hyper heathens anywhere important with me. Like meetings.

What I love most about Rosita's character is that she shows the whole 'can't pour from an empty cup' thing. I think for most mom's watching her is literally like looking in on our own lives in animal cartoon form. It's so true. If we can't refuel, eventually we will burn out and the stresses of daily life will begin to slowly break us down into a routine based on going through motions we know, without the passion we had. No matter your passion, be like Rosita and fuel it! We as moms are all Rosita in some way.
If you are a stay-at-home parent like me, and you have yet to see 'Sing!' go watch it. You will totally relate to Rosita as well. So much love for her. I want her to be my friend. Rosita can be in my tribe anytime!
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