Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Your First Time After Baby

You're finally ready for the first time after baby is born.  Let's be honest, you're a bit nervous, unsure of how you look or feel, secretly just want to go to bed, worried that the baby may wake up hungry half-way through and you need to excuse yourself to feed her.  Is there spit-up in your hair?  Poop on you anywhere?  Is it noticeable?  Well, times up for worrying it's time to just get to it.

You thought this post was going to be about, sex huh.  Gotcha!  No, I'm not talking about the first time you are intimate with your significant other after the baby is born--let's face it NO ONE wants to read about that.  I'm talking about the first solo trip to the grocery store by yourself.  The similarities are somewhat uncanny, aren't they.  Whether its your first baby or your fifth, adding another person to a shopping trip takes a bit of planning, and let's face it; its nerve wracking!  I must admit, that deciding how it was going to mesh with a toddler and a month old baby alone was just down-right scary.  What if she cries?  What if he has a meltdown?  What if I can't fit all my groceries in the cart?  How the heck will I not lose my toddler in the Commissary if he decides to make a run for it?

So, there I was clutching a 2.5 year old's little hand in my clammy palm praying he would just be good, while constantly checking that the baby tied to my chest was still calmly sleeping.  This is basically where babywearing saved my life for the millionth time.  I dote on it quite often, but seriously the practicality with multiple kiddos is just so worth it.  With a baby on board (literally) and toddler in tow, we went aisle by aisle hastily filling our cart with items on our list and a few that my little sneak managed to put in the cart without my knowing until we got to the checkout stand; at least I think the five bags of M&Ms were his doing, could have been me, only God will ever really know.  As we strolled, people would say things like "look how brave you are!" or "Out already? Bless you!" Which, I have learned from my Southern friends is not always a compliment!  But here's the thing; I'm not brave, unheard of, supermom, talented, whatever else--I was a mom with two kids and a husband who needed to eventually eat food (and a mom who just really wanted some ice cream and socialization).  I am obviously not the first woman to have more than one child, or to take those two children shopping; we all have to face it eventually, right?   For those mamas who are about the face it for the first time, here is my advice: make a list, make a plan, go when your kids are having happy time (for me its right after naptime, or first thing in the morning), let your toddler help to keep them engaged and distracted, and do whatever you have to to make it a good experience for you and your family!  If that's and iPad, cool.  If that's an in-store snack for the toddler and a super huge coffee for mom, cool.  If that's having a helper, cool.  If that's ordering pizza because you are out of meal type foods and want to go to the store alone, cool we have all been there at least once.

The moral of the story is the first time after baby will always be a bit of figuring and tough while you get your routine down.  But, just roll with it and remember, one day they will both be in school and you can do this blissfully alone--sometimes that thought is what keeps me going!  

1 comment:

  1. Great post lol i would have read about sex!!! �� but to this day i still dont like takibg my kidos to the store
