Saturday, December 28, 2019

I am so glad you're here.  
Don't's still me, the same real, mediocre, parent surviving on coffee, enjoying some wine from time to time, and sharing our crazy, fun military family life! But, a lot has changed for us! 

We have moved! We no longer live in Missouri. The army decided it was time to move on, so we now call Kansas home--and we couldn't be happier with this location!  We are returning to our rural, homegrown roots, albeit in a different state.  We purchased a home in a small farming community equipped with an area for our horses.  Our house is the quintessential farmhouse, and turns 100 years old in 2020! Our small, modest, homestead will be the base of our roots and memories for the next few years. 

Country living has always suited me. It suits our entire family. The room to roam and grow is something we have missed and craved. I am excited to share our day-to-day raising organic, free-range, and quite frankly, feral children in a high-and-tight world. There can be balance in the military life and the rural one. Rurally raised, homegrown, dandelion babies live here with their caffeine-fueled, horse-loving, kinda crunchy, country lovin' mama, and their strong,loving,hardworking military dad.   

Welcome to our homestead.